Then paste the code you got from twitter directly above it and you are done!.
To add the Facebook "Like" button, just post the following code directly below the <p><data:post.body/></p> code.
Remember to always PREVIEW your blog to make sure everything is good. ALWAYS back up your HTML code before fiddling with it.
<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='"http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=" + data:post.url + "&layout=button_count&show_faces=false&width=100&action=like&font=arial&colorscheme=light"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:40px;'/>
You can notice that on my sidebar i have links to Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and whatnot, to do that you have to create a Facebook Fan Page Follow the steps there and it will eventually take you to a screen that will help you to make a widget like the one i have on my sidebar, just post the code you get by again, going into your blogger's DESIGN area, stay on PAGE ELEMENTS and click "add a gadget" on the sidebar section then select "add HTML/JavaScript" and paste the code facebook gave you in there. It should look something like this
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F%3Fref%3Dlogo%23%21%2Fpages%2FYOUR-PAGE-NAME%2F146237768748496%3Fv%3Dwall%26ref%3Dts&width=175&connections=0&stream=false&header=true&height=70" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:175px; height:70px;" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
To add the "Follow me on Twitter" gadget, just go HERE and select the button you like the most, get the code and do the same as with the Facebook code, just copy and paste it on the "add HTML/JavaScript" box.
Next time i'll cover everything you need to know about opening a FeedBurner account so you can offer email subscriptions to your blog's feed, let people subscribe directly to your blog on FeedBurner, and set up AdSense for your FeedBurner account so you can monetize it. Also how to transfer your blog's feed to Facebook so your followers there can come visit your blog or your FeedBurner.
Tweet this article so fellow bloggers can see it and use it, also, feel free to leave a comment below with questions about improving your blogger so i can make an entry like this about it in the near future.
54 Weekly Post: Incredible Blog Tips I
So, since my blog's been pimped out with RSS feeds, email subscriptions, Facebook, Twitter and an awesome layout, i get a lot of questions as to how i did certain things on my blog, so, i've decided for the next few weeks, every Week i'll post a small guide on how to do certain things on your blog that will definitely increase your traffic.
I would also like to take this time to plug the AWESOME MUSIC BOX on the sidebar to the right, i've been featuring some awesome music directly from youtube, be sure to check it out every time you visit my blog, surely you'll hear something you like.
Now, onto the important stuff...
To have the "Tweet This!" button on every post, you need to first, have a twitter account, its very useful, so go there, create a twitter account and when its ready, go HERE and there you just have to pick the button you like, get the code and come back to your blogger's DESIGN area, click on the Edit HTML tab, click on "expand widget templates" and find this line of code
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54 Response to "Weekly Post: Incredible Blog Tips I"
Thanks man!
do what u want couse a pirate is free!You're a Pirate!!
cool!suppin bro :)
check both my blogs are interesting! ;)
Hah, cool!
cool thanks for the tips
Great idea, Nigma! Not only does it add to your content range, it also helps your many followers! I look forward to the suggestions!
I like what I see here :)
I do admire your layout.
Great information, thanks for sharing.
Cool, thanks for the tip
Great info...thanks man!
Wooaah, really cool, thanks!
cool blog mate !suppin bro :)
check my blog aswell.
cool checking it out.
Nice! I didn't know how to add those gadgets!
i'll keep those in mind
man your blog looks alot more professional than mine, i cant wait for the guides
thanks for showing how
nice tips.
Cool Story Bro!
imma keep checking this, mate.
Niiice ;) I really like the music box idea :3 Wanna try this out myself :D
Great information.
best post ever
I'll be trying to change my layout in the future as well.
Daaamn, I really like that song up there.
Yes, that's all I'm going to comment on.
Looking forward to it bro.
Check out my blog if you find a moment anyway :3
Thanks for all the information, I'll be sure to follow and support you.
thanks for the tips
Nice post! :) thanks for the info
DO you know how to put pictures into spoilers?
Making a fanpage for myself right now on Facebook.
Hell yeah dude, everyone love's RSS feeds!!
Thanks a lot, I'm gonna have to try some of these tips ^^
Wow that's awesome. Great post
thanks, that's very useful!
If I weren't such a dinosaur, I might actually take your advice XD
Nice post.
great tips, but sadly the FB 'like' thing doesn't work on my template--may have to change it up in order to get that working. drat.
Thanks for the awesome tips!
Visit my blog to find out how to turn your hoodie into a laptop bag.
Thanks for the useful tips ;)
Showing some luv.
I dunno. This seems like a lot of work...
Interesting, but it would take up to much of my time, so no.
uu thanks and one questions where is our new chat establishment ?
I dont have none of that lol
Good info :) thanks!
i love this, thanks for the tips!
any myspace widgets you recommend?
really nice tips. keep it up, i'm looking forward to see some more tips :)
Very helpful cheers! Just a tweet button!
Facebook is down too often these days... can't import blog for auto updates.
Great tips! I started a blog for my up and coming business and been looking for some good tips. I'm kind of a newbie to blogging so I'm thankful for all the help I can get. Contemplating if I wanna hire an seo company to do it for me or if I should just follow your tips and do it myself... Thanks a lot for posting!
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