46 Religious FAQs

After a while of debating or arguing with creationists its inevitable to start hearing the same old tired arguments, and the same old tired questions, the only thing they prove is ignorance towards the opposition's set of beliefs or arguments. I'm writing up this small list of 10 questions i hear the most, they are in no particular order, they are all equally annoying.
Atheism is just like religion, don't you guys worship Darwin (or science)?
No, atheism is not an organized group of people that promotes false hope, asks for money, doesn't pay taxes, advertises door to door, pushes their beliefs into others, wears funny clothes and hats, kills in the name of god or flies planes into buildings thinking they'll get virgins after they die.
But you just have to believe in something, right?
Yes, i believe in reality, in evidence, in everything around us that can be analyzed, believing is not the same as worshiping, if by "believe in something" you mean believing in something completely made up, then no, i don't believe in "something".
What if you are wrong?
Even though i discourage anyone from answering questions with quotes, this questions is just begging for a quote from Richard Dawkins...
"Well, what if I'm wrong, I mean... anybody could be wrong. We could all be wrong about the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Pink Unicorn and the flying teapot. Uhm, you happen to have been brought up, I would presume, in the Christian faith. You know what it's like to not believe in a particular faith because you're not a Muslim. You're not a Hindu. Why aren't you a Hindu? Because you happen to have been brought up in America, not in India. If you had of been brought up in India, you'd be a Hindu. If you had been brought up in... in uh.. Denmark in the time of the Vikings you'd be believing in Wotan and Thor. If you were brought up in classical Greece you'd be believing in, in Zeus. If you were brought up in central Africa you'd be believing in the great Juju up the mountain. There's no particular reason to pick on the Judeo-Christian god, in which by the sheerest accident you happen to have been brought up and, and ask me the question, "What if I'm wrong?" What if you're wrong about the great Juju at the bottom of the sea?"
If we come from chimps, why aren't chimps having baby humans today?
Because contrary to popular belief, we don't come from chimps, we share a common ancestor with them, that's why we are cousins and not sons, we don't come from the same father, we didn't pop out of a chimp, our species evolved in two different branches out of a common ancestor, they went to the left and we went to the right on the genetic road, this is confirmed not only by fossils but also by DNA, denying this fact is the same as covering your eyes and ears and yelling "la la la".
If science doesn't believe in god, why is our calendar based around christ's life?
Because scientists didn't develop our calendar, it was made in the 1500's by the catholic church, introduced to the world by pope Gregory XIII, that's why it's called Gregorian Calendar, it was based around the Dark Age belief of the incarnation of Jesus. Jesus's last name may i add, is not Christ, Mary and Joseph weren't known as The Christs, Christ is the English word for Khristós, greek word for Messiah.
Why does science use proven inaccurate dating methods, like carbon dating?
Carbon Dating isn't the preferred dating method, it only works on specific materials, there are actually many Radiometric dating methods like radiocarbon, neon, uranium or potassium dating that measures the decay of radioactivity on materials and they all show the age of the earth to be around 4.5 billion years.
Science can't explain everything, so why do you trust it?
Science can't explain everything, they don't sit around on a throne all day claiming to be the masters of all knowledge, they work every day, they continuously investigate everything they don't know and put to test whatever they already know, science isn't a religion, science works and 99% of whatever you have inside your house proves it. You don't have to be an atheist to trust science, you just have to be well educated and informed.
If you don't believe in god, where do you get your morals from?
Morality doesn't come from the bible, where did people get their morals from before it?, where did the Aztecs get their morals?, where did the Greeks, Chinese, Japanese get their morals?, where do piranhas get their morals?, why don't they eat each other?, where do ants get their morals?. Morality comes from social evolution, if it came from the bible, every criminal out there would be an atheist, prisons would be crawling with non believers, yet, they aren't.
So you believe life started by lightning striking a puddle of mud?
No Mr. Ben Stein, i don't, and you wouldn't even think of that question if you would only study and do some research about it instead of filming bad, biased documentaries that only promote your ignorance, no scientist and no atheist believes that's how life started, life began in the smallest microscopic form and it evolved from there over the next 4.5 billion years, it didn't begin with man from a mote of dust and women from a rib.
If the big bang was the beginning, then what caused it?
We don't know yet, but we will, if someone discovers how the universe began, it'll be science, that's guaranteed, we probably won't live to see it, but it'll most likely happen in a couple of hundred years, and please, use that question and apply it to your own belief, what created god?, what gave him his powers?, why did he create the universe, was he lonely?, why the need for adoration?, what is he made of?.
That's just a short list of questions that i have to answer a lot, maybe with this i can simply redirect people to this article and save me some time of typing the same answers to the same questions over and over again.
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46 Response to "Religious FAQs"
Great post, very organized. Definitely the most common questions I am asked.
Love the info!
I knew most of the answers (at least the basic misconceptions), but was interesting to learn a little more from the point of view of Atheists.
very good discussion!
very interesting post !
following & supporting you
take care.
Haha worship Darwin. Darwin was an ordinary person well respected for his theories which were proven with solid evidence unlike god.
Thanks for commenting on my last post! Your input will help me with my next one.
good information here.
Dumb questions, if someone really asks me such things i won't consider him a sane person.
^ lol
that's not fair. religious people honestly believe that those are legitimate questions.
maken some good points
love the answers, i have nothing against religion as long as they dont try to cram their believings in me.
Eloquent as always.
I always enjoy the "well there must be something out there!" argument. People are so short sighed and selfish. Even if there was some thing out there. A "god" if you will, what makes you think he gives a rats ass about you.
Ones certainty is easily measured by their gullibility.
Keep up the good work!
When it comes to your post, GTL can also stand for "Great Thoughts at Length"... keep it up!
thnx for the info
All hail the FSM!
Asking these questions, just confuses me even more. >_> We don't know...QQ
I ain't readin' all dat but were u get a picatur of my god?
you've got an interesting point here, good job with the post
nice info man, well thought out....following
showin mah love <3
awesome, I have to agree here!
YES. YES. I'm referring people to this post whenever I get confronted with these stupid questions. I am so sick and tired of repeating myself.
@david i know how you feel.
and i love this post even though i knew most of these facts its still great to read and know someone else out there is more like me
cool post bro!!:)
Welcome to Italy!
thnx for the info
Sorry I'm just now getting to your blog. For some reason when you first posted on mine it marked it as spam and I just now saw that. Sorry!
I've always thought one "side" trying to prove the other wrong is a complete waste of time. At least for me it is. One side thinks with logic, the other with faith. The two are not the same, they never will be. I don't care which side you are on as long as you don't bother others about it. Either way, I like this. I'm glad I did finally find your blog. Proudly following you!
great read, well written
what the nice creature:D
Very good debate. If only the other side would use logic as well. But then there would be no religion, so I guess it's a moot point.
So you believe that everything around us was just 100% pure chance. The equation for how oxygen and water came to be was just.. something that happened randomly. right...
I'll just point you towards this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zidVyQe7NCo
Watch that and then tell me you still don't believe in some kinda of creator.
Excellent arguments.
interesting post i like it
I'm not totally not-spiritualistic, spirituality is important in every life IMO.
I'm not a christian, I don't believe in any God outside me and universe around me by the way.
@mustbehiggy Assumption of something being too unbelievable doesn't serve as evidence. Try again.
Are those meatballs?
Thank you! How could atheism be a religion?
this is similar to a really good article I read once called "34 unconvincing arguments for god"
btw, "Jesus" wasn't really his name either.
Okay Mr Smarty-Pants, show me the missing link between the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Flightless Macaroni Creature.
very good writing. you are interesting
Pasta-farian checking in!
I'm an atheist but i understand also the religious people. Religion can be very usefull. I don't want a discussion. Your article is great.
I am a Christian, and I find this blog interesting. I like to see both sides.
All hail the Great and Powerful FSM, and by his grace, may we all be touched by his noodley appendage
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