20 Just For Laughs

Tamtampamela posted this video last night on her own account, about 10 minutes later, she took it down along with her whole account, almost immediately after that, this user created an account called tamtampameia, and reuploaded the confession video there. He made up the description saying that she decided to take down all the videos, like she did that for the good of everyone, that is not true, she deleted her account and nobody knows why, maybe she had second thoughts about coming clean and she was too slow to take the video down before someone downloaded it.

Now people are saying that what she did was just a satire of actual religious fanatics. I'll tell you why it ISN'T a satire, a satire is supposed to be a parody, an exaggeration of an actual event made fun of in a comedic manner, for people to laugh you have to make it a bit obvious that what you are doing is a joke. Go take a look at EdwardCurrent's videos on youtube, thats a satire, thats a parody, thats how its done, what this girl was doing was just an imitation, she was role playing like she roleplays on those forums she frequents.

Thats a screenshot from her account on landloverbaptist.net, basically a website where atheists role play christian extremists, people are claiming that all Pamela was doing is raise awareness of how insane religious extremism can be, and that she was basing her whole act on "Poe's law", this isn't science people, since when is acting like a complete nut and wishing death to a nation devastated by a natural disaster is an acceptable manner to raise awareness of religious extremism?. I think rather than helping, Pamela's video took attention away from real nuts like Glenn Beck who said the japan incident was god's way of making the Japanese obey the 10 commandments, and instead of writing Beck 1000 hateful emails per minute, like the comments Pam's video was getting, instead of sending Glenn Beck some pizza, Pamela got all the attention.

I would really love to know what their real point is, people like Pamela, a quick look at their forums reveals that they go through some time consuming efforts just to keep this "parody" alive, and on their way they write the kind of stuff that would make real extremists cringe, whats the difference between these people and the real thing?, what if some of them are not joking at all?, how can we distinguish the two?, is it ok for them to say this terrible, disgusting things simply because they are doing a parody under "Poe's law"?. And finally, how can you be an atheist or someone who is against the hate and discrimination religious extremists spew on a daily basis, but, at the same time, you run a website and make over 40 videos of yourself acting exactly like those people just to "piss off a lot of people", how can you be a grown person, an adult, and think that something like that is even remotely funny?.

20 Response to "Just For Laughs"

The Silencer said...

I completely agree. Her point definitely fell on deaf ears. Why? Because most people already know that Fundamentalist Christians are nuts. And the people that aren't smart enough to already know that aren't smart enough to figure out that her video is a parody.
The real point was to feed her narcissistic troll personality. This goes to show that there are definitely people at each end of the spectrum and it's sad to see that the non-believer end of the spectrum is a girl trying to be EXACTLY like the other end of the spectrum.
I'm now stating a new law entitled "Troll Law" it's when people on the internet do something extremely dumb but think it's OK because it's just for fun.
If I were this girl, I would look for a huge rock to live under for the next few years or at the very least, facepalm for the next six months.

AdPlusCommunications said...

Oh my goodness, that video must have pissed off a lot of people!

Astronomy Pirate said...

I kind of figured it was a troll video when I saw it. She didn't have the true heart of a batshit crazy person when she did it. There was just a little bit to much enthusiasm and she was two repetitious. People who are serious usually try to jam a ton of incomprehensible junk into their videos, seeing at their soap box. That said, I still don't like the silly girl.

Jay said...

whether she took it down or somebody else did, the important thing is that hateful stuff isn't there anymore.

The Game Store Guy said...

Something tells me that it wasn't much a parody as it was an "ohsh*t I'm in trouble and I better save face"

Justin testing said...

I can't see how people can still be bothered trying to argue that atheists / christians are right. As an atheist, I know there are governing laws of nature and that our conscious view of the world is absolute. That's enough for me.

The Angry Lurker said...

Good grief, never knew this was going on at all.

Kicking Rocks said...

this girl just wants attention...she got it becuse people are retarded.

Anonymous said...

Lol I say this was a successful troll! She got so many people attentions and she got so many views!

Fix PC Games Admin said...

what the ... was that :D

Devon Davidson said...

Yes she claims she was a troll but it seems more like she did something stupid and to try and save face she decided to say "Trololol! I trolled you lol! Got you guys good!"

Yeah, not falling for it.

Biff Tanner said...

Lol yes it just gets better.

Lhosreiff said...

I like that "True Christian™" stamp they used.

baxxman said...

Well that video was not real? Not funny at all

Unknown said...

she's cute :3
i dont know what she did in the first case however

Malkavian said...

Fuck her, every american that says that Japs deserved whats happening to them is an ignorant asshole, it would be like saying "DUH STUPID AMERICANS HURRICANE KATRINA IS PAYBACK FOR HIROSHIMA BOMB DURR" i hate ignorance.

Brut said...

She is definitely an epic troll.

A said...

I didn't even here about her. People need to be extremely careful about what they say online, and if you're going to 'troll' make sure you're not stupid about it...

Erika said...

I preferred it when I thought it was real..... =[

Teukka said...

Im confused :/

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