44 Is Satan Working For God?

You all know the story, Satan is supposed to be the bad guy, a castaway from god's angels, even though the only reference for this story is a vague bible passage that was, when placed in context, a message for a king, it is interpreted by scholars as the story of how Lucifer was cast away from the heavens and from then on began to wage war against  god's creations. So, the question is always there, if god is omnipotent, why doesn't he get rid of Satan?, and therefore gets rid of most evil in the world, if he can't do it, then he isn't omnipotent, if he doesn't want to, then he is condoning evil.

To me, the most logical explanation for this religious belief, is that Satan, is either stupid, or works for god. I'm talking about the character on the book, of course i don't believe in god or satan but i'll analyze this very important religious belief in order to expose this great big plot hole. Lets start by analyzing the text that started it all, that story that your mom told you about satan being cast away from the heavens, is an interpretation of Ezekiel 28:11.

Ezekiel 28 starts by the alleged writer, Ezekiel claiming that he had a vision, a prophesy from god against the king of tyre, its very long and redundant, god tells the king of tyre that he will die and uncircumcised death because the king of tyre is too wealthy and thinks he is as powerful as god  "Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: Because you think you are wise, as wise as a god". This has to ring a bell to you from all that time you've heard people say that Satan was cast out of heaven for thinking he was as equal to god. The fact that the chapter was meant for someone else that wasn't satan is commonly ignored by religious people.

The book of Job talks about satan coming to god and talking about Job, a righteous man, a rich man, blessed by god, satan tells god that Job only worships god because he is rich, so, as if satan was an agent for god, he kills Job's whole family and takes away all of his possessions, makes him sick, tortures the poor man, and even after all of that, Job still worships god, proving satan wrong. So satan works for god?, does he do god's dirty work?, why would god need someone to do things for him?, why would god even doubt Job?, why would a servant of god have the ability to question an omnipotent being?.

Even worse, common belief is that satan lives in hell surrounded by demons that punish every soul that wasn't allowed into heaven when they died, they punish all kinds of sinners, hell is religion's biggest selling card, fear. But, why would god allow such a place to exist?, why would he allow his creations to be tempted and then punished for all eternity?. In my opinion, the only reasonable answer is that in order for the whole hell story not to crumble, religious folk have to admit that satan works for god, god doesn't like someone, he casts his soul to hell and satan pokes their spirity ass for all eternity.

If satan doesn't work for god and is indeed an agent of evil who plans on waging war against god, why does he torture evil people?, wouldn't they be natural allies against a common enemy?, name and army that has an almost infinite amount of recruits, pouring by the millions every day and instead of training them and gearing them up, they torture them during an eternity for measly human acts that wouldn't even be considered crimes by human standards.

In order for this whole satan business to keep standing we have to admit god and satan are partners, they work together, they drink tea every thursday and if that is the case, then a god who willingly punishes human behavior with something as extreme and radical like eternal torture, is a malevolent god and someone who does not deserve to be worshiped in any way form or kind. If satan doesn't work for god and he willingly punishes every human that didn't do as god said in life, then if i was one of his minions i would be planning a coup d'etat by now.

Hopefully this showed you the sand castle weakness of some fundamental religious beliefs, taking scripture a bit serious and scrutinizing it like this is a very good example of why i'm an atheist, its stuff so weak that the most simple analysis and child-like questions completely brings it down and dismantles it.

44 Response to "Is Satan Working For God?"

Jimmy Volmer said...

Hmm, I'm not sure how to comment here

Savage Nugget said...

I'm thinking that the reasoning behind that lies still with being able to choose or "free will" as it's put sometimes. I'm no bible scholar or even religious in any way, but it's just another story christians use to help explain the world around them. :D

Anonymous said...



mickvp said...

for some reason i think satans gunna win that arm wrestle look at his bulging bicep !

Spencer said...

Yes, it's definitely a question of free will. Although a lot can be said about that.

Actually, it can be seen as an allegory, the choice between God and the self, or Satan, where Hell isn't really a place but a state of mind. Hell, in the Bible, is also defined as anywhere outside of Heaven. Not being able to access Heaven, and God, is in itself a punishment for unrepentant sinners.

Nice essay there.

`†he Պen†al Պasochis† said...

I have the belief that satan wasn't a bad guy. He was actually loved by everyone, infact his popularity was becoming greater than god's. So God because immensely jealous, the bible does say he's a jealous god, so he cast satan from Heaven, and then made up some story about how he was a traitor. kinda like that movie count for Monty critso or whatever


Anonymous said...

Very very interesting point, will read in entirety when I get home. And in a way, yes Satan is.

Mitsuru said...

Dunno what to think about this. I'm not really religious, though, so I guess in the end it doesn't matter but your post was good and made me think.

doomboom9119 said...

you kinda have a point..
showing support

Slumph said...

god isn't real..

sorry, woops, I dropped it! I'm an athiest and respect theists to a degree, and no I don't mean to be as bold as the statement I made really, but also.. why in all depictions ever of Adam and Eve do they have belly buttons? If they are only created through pregnancy...

Discerning Gentleman said...

I'm glad to see you're beating inertia today.

ramrod360 said...

I have always thought this. You are very right.

Alex Raintree said...

Excellent thinking :]
I have thought of two entities as a sort of partners as well. The biblical text has been corrupted beyond recognition by "The Church" (Institution) for the purpose of control. As the poster above me points out the word translated as "hell" can, in Hebrew, mean a state of being. There is wisdom to be had in the scripture, but as foretold by the text the scribes have created a sort of conspiracy of lies within the text. The real story (imo) depicts the creator as loving and the adversary (satan) is there to play the strings of humankind's freewill. Eventually, due to the creator's wisdom it all comes full-circle and we all go back into the Garden better for the whole experience. =D

Jim said...

There has to be balance. The ying and the yang.

Unknown said...

I've thought about this very subject an awful lot, and it's just one of many reasons as to why I lost faith.

Biff Tanner said...

Why yes, yes he is.

BigBear said...

Maybe he does, maybe he doesnt. Only zalgo knows.

Keep up the good work!

Anne on a mouse said...

An interesting read, thanks bro

JRam said...

Both of them certainly enjoy playing with the lives of people.

llllollllll said...

Excellent points. Very interesting to read as always.

Naj said...

thi is one of the reason why the idea of god is ridicolous. if i even entertain the thought, i'd say god is manipulating satan to bidding his will and satan is jut plain stupid.

Katie Greene said...

i am confus

Danatoth said...

Go go satan!

hunter time said...

lol that does make sense

AdPlusCommunications said...

Well if he is, I wanna know how much he's making an hour.

Dilly Skates said...

you just broke religion.


Viperman said...

lmao so many plot holes in religion and you pretty much sumed it up

Nobody said...

Satan can't work for god if they both don't exist.

David Davidson said...

Nigma, I don't know how many times I've said this before but I love you.

Red Baron said...

is like worshiping aesop's fables

straight lunacy

Skyshock said...


i love u too <3

Anonymous said...

i hope tomorrow is a better day

Lil Pee said...

I think the devil does work for God.... but now i'm all confused.

Braden Hollembaek said...

>implying there is a satan or a god

Yes, if there was a god, why allow so much evil?

grizz said...

both sides are not true at all. but if there's a god there must satan too.

Alex DeLarge said...

they are both working together

rockStar said...

i don't think so..

showin ma love <3

Mr. Derp said...

Showing my support.

Much Poopies! said...

so... chicken or egg?

Tal Zahn said...

Haha, I like this argument! If I encounter another overzealous christian/similar religion type, I may use this just to shut them up. Or at least get them stumbling.

cooperlife said...

at what point do you have to break down and accept it's all a bunch of fairytale bullshit people just made up.

Kevorkian said...

Giving support

KC. said...

Conceptually I equate the idea of 'the devil' much the same as 'the holy spirit', but with the opposite effect. Instead of being holy, it's evil--still yet a consciousness but fueled and driven by an anti-God sentiment.

But I do appreciate your argument :)

Bruno said...

Scientist don't believe in hell neither should any one else.

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