25 Richard Dawkins on Eye Evolution

Irreducible complexity is the term creationists use to point out that something as complex as the human eye could not have come from natural selection, but only from a designer, they ignore the fact that in the animal kingdom there are eyes far more developed that the human eye, and a lot of underdeveloped eyes. In the UK there's a TV show called "Bang Goes the Theory" and they featured Richard Dawkins on one of their episodes, he explains the different types of eyes, how they work and how they easily evolved, it really is something worth watching.

On a little side note, i realize there's a lot of new viewers on the blog who might be wondering why i just wrote something very short and posted a video, i write a new article every monday, wednesday and friday, every other day i post news or videos that i find interesting, with that being said, here's Dawkins explaining the eye...

25 Response to "Richard Dawkins on Eye Evolution"

David Davidson said...

This is easily one of the cited reasons for there being a creator. I'm really getting tired of explaining how the "Watchermaker theory" is just wrong.

Now I can just show people Dawkins explaining, thanks. :)

Naj said...

To every thinking person, this will definitely make sense. To a believer, it's just another nonsense story.a

Katie Greene said...

i'd like to have emma watson explore my itchy eye and my brown eye.

Biff Tanner said...

Thanks for checking out my site. I like your site keep up the good work.

Izzie said...

i think it's very cool when people have 2 different color eyes.

Sona-Love said...

windows to the soulll

Dilly Skates said...

richard dawsin is very interesting.

Hidden Blogger said...

Interesting thoughts from a very intelligent fellow. +1 XD

Jimmy Volmer said...

I like the way you designed your blog :)

Slumph said...

watched all this, clever dude =D

Crammarc said...

very interesting ideas here

The Silencer said...

This makes way more sense than the whole "just because god says so" explanations. I honestly don't understand how people can believe that rubbish yet still function in life. It's like smart people have an ignorance card they can play for religion!
And by card I really mean lame excuse for laziness.

Red Baron said...

too bad i wont ever see through them

Naj said...

dude, the feed is still not working. i will post a tutorial on my blog and also to inform out fellow blogger about the list from paste bin.

Shane said...

This guy is great for what he's done for the movement, but part of me wishes he'd take a less arrogant approach

Undertaker said...

I would watch this, if it weren't for the fact that it's 8:16 AM here, and I'm tired. So yeah, note to self, check video when awake.

Mr. Black said...

Very cool, I've always wondered about how amazing the eye was and how it came to be.

Anonymous said...

there s a missing eye

rockStar said...


hunter time said...

this is very good
@david yea same here xD

JRam said...

and how about tvs/computer monitors weakening the eye.

Trashcanman said...

Pretty eye

The Loon said...

Wow. So many books from this guy.

razortek said...

cool post bro!!:)
Welcome to Italy!

loladdme said...

Dawkins is my hero.

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