41 Scientists Don't Fear Hell (Video and Transcript)

The following is one of my favorite videos on the net, it basically explains why the popular concept of a fiery hell doesn't work because of a few very basic physical and chemical laws, it also discusses why many scientists appear as god believers on surveys and explains why a lot of the old scientists like Newton or Faraday are always shown as believers by the religious apologists. Scroll further down for the whole transcript. This video is not my work.

In a blatant and desperate attempt to seem far more rational than they actually are, Christians and Muslims will often show you a list of famous scientists who believed in god, as if such minds are entirely on their side.

For example: Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Faraday are all normally found on such lists. Giants of science who all called themselves Christian. But all of them died long before the atomic age. And the discovery of the God confounding mechanisms of pure chance that rule all quantum reactions. They never heard of DNA, spectroscopy, redshift, stellar nucleosynthesis . They never heard about protons or neutrons, or the laws that govern everything that these particles can and cannot do. They never heard of radioactivity and the window this provides for measuring the ages of rocks and thereby our planet.

Newton, living 400 hundred years ago may have believed as many Christians and Muslims still believe today, that life cannot come from non-life. But that is only because nobody in the 1600s knew that our bodies are made entirely from non-life, in the form of atoms. Would Faraday or Kepler have endorsed the biblical creation story had their minds encountered the explanatory power of the DNA molecule, the data behind the rate and causes of genetic mutation, the vast timescales involved, not to mention the highly detailed mathematics, and observations that underpin the 21st century cosmology.

 We'll never know. But there is plenty of statistical evidence to suggest that in the information age at least, the more you know, the less likely you are to believe that the true creator of the universe cares what you do with you're sexual organs, or which direction you pray in or even if you pray at all. In an attempt to make up for this embarrassing lack of modern scientists prepared to sign up to an even partially literal interpretation of any holy book. The Christians and Muslims or affiliated sociopaths will tell you about recent surveys where many modern scientists have gone on record to saying they believe in God.

But this too is extremely deceptive. The scientists in these surveys are only asked if they believe in God. A question so vague as to have 6.5 billion meanings If the survey asked if they believe in hell of in a God who wants women to cover their hair, the ticks would become crosses and the believer would dismiss the survey as god hating propaganda. When all that has really changed is the question asked. How many scientists in those surveys who put a tick in the god box don't really apply their science to their religion? How many of those on the lists of physicists, amongst whom belief in a personal god is almost nonexistent? How many are deist who don't believe in the god who keeps the busses running on time?

How many just tick the box to keep mum happy? How many are the scientists simply by ticking the god box carelessly allow their vague sense of spirituality to be confused by a religious nut job as an expression of belief in their vengeful, mass murdering, egomaniacal God. If we removed from the list all those scientists who don't believe in hell, I wonder how many names would remain. I think the long list would become a very short, a very unimpressive one. Whatever such surveys say only a tiny, microscopic proportion of qualified reputable scientists believe in what the believer would call God.

The fear perpetuating religious bigot calls this breathtaking arrogance on the scientists part. They call it pride, ignorance, denial. But what most of the religious have never and will never understand is the real reason the scientific mind can dismiss they're threats of hellfire with an amused smile. How can scientists be so sure? Why aren't the scientists afraid? Why don't scientists fear hell? What makes the scientific mind so completely immune to this and so many other fears that haunt so many other people. For once cut away the bulshit, the holy books tell you that you burn if you don't believe. That is what the scriptures explicitly and repeatedly say. It couldn't be clearer. Even today there is no more painful way to die, let alone to spend eternity. And that alone should tell you why the threat is in the holy books in the first place. But lets look deeper still. Through scientists' eyes. We've all been hypnotized by flames Fire has a unique kind of magic.

For most of human history fire was magic It is no surprise it was the gods' tool of choice, when the gods, worried about dwindling or fickle support, eventually and inevitably went into the eternal torture business. It's no coincidence that the biggest religions in the world threaten the greatest punishments of disbelief. We've all stared into the flames, but what's actually happening? What exactly are we staring at? What is fire? Fire is a chemical reaction requiring 3 components An oxidizing gas, usually oxygen itself, A combustible source of fuel, such as wood or petrol, and a source of energy sufficient to heat the fuel through its ignition temperature. This energy can come from matches, sunlight, friction, lightning or something else that is already burning.

When wood, for example, is heated to about 300ºF, the cellulose material starts to break down and give off volatil gases. When these gases reach about 500ºF the heat energy overcomes some of the electromagnetic energy binding the atoms to the complex molecules found in wood. The molecules begin to jiggle apart this releases smoke, a gaseous compound of mostly hydrogen, carbon and oxygen atoms. These briefly free atoms are then suddenly and violently drawn by electromagnetism again to combine with oxygen atoms eager to share electrons with elements with one or two to spare This reconfiguration happens almost instantly Fire is a brief outbreak of chemical freedom.

As atoms and molecules race to rearrange themselves into the lowest and therefore most stable energy state available. In the process, atoms release the energy they no longer need for stability in the form of light. Firelight is just the same as any other light, trillions upon trillions of wavelight particles called photons hitting the back of your eye. Photons are emitted by electrons as they change energy state. Each photon is a packet of electromagnetic radiation it's changed between particles like currency during quantum transactions, always precisely balancing the conservation equations of quantum mechanics. The flame is just a gas heated to the point where the atoms shake so much they spit out light. Fire is an electric phenomenon. The color of the flames, the frequency of the wavelight photons, which is what color is.

Depends on what atoms you are heating and to what temperature. The different colors within any flame are caused by uneven temperature the hottest, the more energetic part of the flame usually glows blue, a higher frequency than the less energetic frequencies, such as orange or yellow. The heat you feel is the excited motions of the atoms in the air around you and in your skin and flesh. Heat is simply the motion of atoms. At the lowest temperature possible, minus 273ºC atoms stop moving pretty much altogether. That is why no lower temperature is possible. You can't have less motion than none. In living tissue when atoms jiggle to fast they hit other atoms too hard creating pressure that can damage cells.

 Resulting in pain signals sent along nerves to your brain. If something hot burns you, some of your atoms simply jiggle too fast. Fire or combustion is the process of oxidization. So is rusting. In a way, when a car rusts it is burning in super slow motion If it werent for the fact that we have evolved to make use of oxygen's reactivity in our biochemistry you could say oxygen is damn dangerous stuff that was briefly how a scientist sees fire. The actual understanding goes far, far deeper. But what does it all mean? It means that without atoms and other subatomic particles and laws there can be no flame. Rigid physical laws make fire possible. Anywhere there is fire, there will also be electricity, solid matter, and oxygen.

If hell were real, we could watch TV, or escape into fresh air You are not going to burn after you die. If we go anywhere after death, we go there without our atoms. And when the religious try and keep the fear in you, it's like a test. Is your mind strong enough to see through it? Do you know enough to laugh? Can you tell mindless bullshit from facts and reasoning? If someone tells you that you are going to burn in hell, and you demonstrate that you understand exactly what fire is, I guarantee, that they will then tell you that fire in hell is not like real fire.

 The flames need no fuel or oxygen, electrons or photons but it burns just the same. Jiggling atoms that aren't there. Ensured that telling you that fire in hell is magic fire. Religion only exists because most kids believe in magic, and all adults were once kids Welcome to organized religion, where everything means nothing and nothing means everything. Where knowledge is ignorance and answers only lead to confusion. But just as though as least likely to believe in magic professional magician is. Those least likely to believe in the supernatural, are those with a firm understanding of the natural. You don't have to be a scientist to have scientific understanding. Learn and be free. It's your mind. Fight for it.

41 Response to "Scientists Don't Fear Hell (Video and Transcript)"

Viperman said...

Awesome vid and nice read :)

I'm not afraid of hell either shyyyyyyyt

Savage Nugget said...

Very Interesting.
I like this. :D

Dave said...

nice !!

Anonymous said...

very interesting bro =D

Braden Hollembaek said...

Ahh science, i love it. Beware the magic fire and the boogie man!

Anonymous said...



Come At Me Bro said...

This is sweet!

Mitsuru said...

video didn't load for me :( but it seems very interesting, i'll try to get it to load later.

just showing some love :)

Discerning Gentleman said...

good job, your blog has a strong following

Chris said...

Thats deep.....mine is too have a look.

mickvp said...

very nice !

Superhero Bobblehead said...

Well done, man!

I love it when you get the chance to think about something with a completely new spin.

Much Poopies! said...

This is brilliant, kind sir!!! >=D

Light Weight Baby! said...

Thank you for the kind comments on my blog :)

BigBear said...

Such a long post..cant..read...it.

Keep up the good work though!

Spencer said...

You're argument, however well constructed, will not stand against religion. The concept of God is created to withstand every naturalistic explanation, as it eludes human knowledge and hides within the unexplainable. The goal posts will keep moving.

ramrod360 said...

You're right. I'm glad someone could condense concisely like you did.

doomboom9119 said...

heray for scientist

The Loon said...

This is amazing, I just found your comment button. =_=

JRam said...

Not a surprise to not fear the imaginary.

llllollllll said...

Excellent video, containing great arguments.

hunter time said...

that was great i really liked the video very compelling and strong arguments

Dilly Skates said...

scientist aren't scared of shit.

Katie Greene said...

right, because something supernatural is necessarily going to follow the rules and laws of physics as we understand them in our extremely narrow perception...

Naj said...

awesome vid. no surprise here though.

Nobody said...

Great find.

KC. said...

I saw this old movie years ago, dunno what it's called. Prophesy? Anyway, had the devil as sort of a bit character that showed up near the end-ish. He said something like: "Do you want to know what Hell is really like? It's worse than the storybooks. It's existing in the complete absence of God's grace."

AdPlusCommunications said...

I don't think any of us should fear hell, for the most part I don't think it's real, but if it is I don't think it's as bad as they say it is.

Anonymous said...

that's good

Lil Pee said...

Honestly.. who wouldn't fear hell?

Michele said...

Very interesting!Nice post!

shirou said...

keep it up, you have my support..

Anne on a mouse said...

very interesting, the video makes some good points.

Getter Robo said...

You should check out the all-unknowing church of Discordia~

Viperman said...

loved that vid

Nerd Life said...

Thanks for that video

Kevorkian said...

Interesting read, additional support for the Diablo 3 pic xD

cooperlife said...

Hell is such a fantastic place.

and by that, I mean it's a complete fantasy.

Jimmy Volmer said...

interesting post here

Tal Zahn said...

It would be interesting to see what figures of the past would believe in if they learned what we currently know today.

However, I'd also be interested in seeing what George Washington would think of the United States if he saw it today as well, but that's just not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

hell was created so people have a real reason to belive and embrace the religion.

im reading all your blog, you called yourself an atheist, but why you're always attacking church? i mean, are you trying to convince your self?

im an atheist and well, i know for fact that the idea of hell is a cheap way to makes us fear...

but i'm still think that there's a possibility that god might exist, even hell. and i'm still convinced that i will be smilling in hell cause well, i live my life the way i think it deserved to be lived. i just dont like the idea of this been real, but i leave the chance you know!.... nevertheless all this is fantasy. we live, we reproduce and we die.

pain happens, love happens.
no meaning, no destiny no gold behind the rainbow. is hard. living like this is hard, and almoust deppresing, but for me is beautiful i see life different. i embrace all the glory of the possibility of dying doing something beautiful.

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